Sunday, March 16, 2014

When we hit the ground

There are moments in our lives when we get lost, or unmotivated to move on. The fantastic thing about being an artist is that we can turn all what is inside of us into art. Other people do not have this wonderful opportunity. They seek other means of doing it by drinking, drugs, violence or different forms of abuse.
We artists can do it in a different way – bring those emotions together and make them so dense that they behave like clay in potter’s hands. Diluted with water from our tears, the clay is shaped in our hands. What was inside of us slowly goes outside in form of a piece of art.

It happens to all of us, whether it is due to lack of sun, disappointment, unhappy love or other things in our lives going bad. It happens to me too. What I do is focusing on that emotion and turning it into art, as I did with the picture below. I was going through a toxic love relationship with an unhappy ending. Back then I had self-made Arabic stickers for my keyboard, which began to peel off one by one. So, eventually I unstuck all of them. I kept them in a small pile, as if something told me not to get rid of them for good. One day I came up with an idea of taking pictures of them forming words. The trouble was that I obviously had only one copy if each letter. Even though I know more than a few words in Arabic, at that moment I only could come up with the words “love” and “eternity”. So I took the pictures and began mixing it with other backgrounds I had. I did maybe a few dozens of different mixes with different shades but when I saw the one you can see below, I felt like I was struck by a lightning! That was it! Yes! That was what I had inside me! The word “love” mixed with a picture of my floor and a tune-up of colors to red and yellow. The original beige and black floor became bloody as if some kind of a massacre happened and someone swiped all that blood along the word “love” – my LOVE.

When we hit the ground, it is because we are supposed to bounce back with art! Make use of it!